Monday, January 11, 2010

On cars and birthdays


This year, right around the time that everyone was doing the Christmas scramble, I received some mail from the Ontario government. Now I should have seen it coming, really, if I had thought about the last time I received this mail, the twins are 5 now, so logic should have followed...

Not only did I get my plate renewal, requiring e test none the less, I got a license renewal requiring picture AND a health card renewal requiring picture. EW! Thankfully we don't pay for our health cards, if we did I'd be flat broke this month.

Now when I took the new job, I planned on replacing all four tires this month. They aren't completely worn to the wear bars, but with all the snow we've gotten so far, I need to swap them now. The little green bomb just can't get decent traction on snow these days.

Then, last weekend, I went to the store to work, I got out of my car, shut the door, and Nickelback continued to blare from my speakers. I checked my pockets, and my keys were in one. WTF!

Oh wait, this happened last year too. The door switch must be frozen again. Monday afternoon, I talk to Bob at my in laws shop, and reminded me that last year, we had to eventually replace the switch. He told me where to get one, and that he would fix it once I got one. Great!

Last year this same part cost me about $7, this year, almost $13!

So, with tires being done Sunday, the door switch and the merry birthday for over $225 for your driving privileges from the Ontario government, we're looking at, in the span of 40 hours blowing almost $700!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I need an advil!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, I've been remiss in my posts again. We had Christmas, New Years, and the start of my new job. Also, I've had to set up my new computer with all my school stuff, all my work stuff, and all my personal stuff. This was one of the last items to be done, and I am still working on it. Speaking of which... anyone know if its possible to import your email messages from Outlook to Windows Mail? I have done a small amount of searching and cannot find anything that works.

I love my new job, but it is taking awhile to get the hang of it. A couple of days I went way over my time limit. Great for my pay cheque but not so great for the daycare.

More updates to come, as time allows.